Cheryl Andrews
Mike Atkins
Catherine Black
Frank Black
Jordan Black
The Elder
Lara Means
The Old Man

Lara Means    Lara was a highly professional forensic psychologist who frequently assisted Frank on Group assigned cases. She was also cursed by an angelic presence that warned her of imminent danger.

    During the weeks leading up to her induction into the Millennium Group, Lara's angel abandoned her in fear of a higher power and she was left without its guidance. Alone and faced with the responsibility of being a Group member, Lara's sanity quickly diminished. Her final act was giving her Marburg Virus vaccine to Frank, who then gave it to Jordan. She was hospitalized as a result of her mental condition.

[appearances: Monster, 19:19, Midnight of the Century, Goodbye Charlie, Owls, Roosters, Siren, Anamnesis, The Fourth Horseman, The Time Is Now]





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