Cheryl Andrews
Mike Atkins
Catherine Black
Frank Black
Jordan Black
The Elder
Lara Means
The Old Man

Jordan Black    Jordan, the bright and intuitive daughter of Frank Black, harbored a "gift" similar to her father's, although much more ambiguous. She was Frank's only source of true happiness and he was terribly afraid of losing her.

[appearances: The Pilot, Gehenna, Dead Letters, The Judge, 522666, Kingdom Come, Blood Relatives, The Well Worn Lock, Wide Open, The Wild and the Innocent, Force Majeure, Sacrament, Covenant, Walkabout, Lamentation, Powers, Principalities, Thrones, and Dominions, Paper Dove, The Beginning and the End, Beware of the Dog, Monster, The Curse of Frank Black, Midnight of the Century, Luminary, Owls, Siren, The Fourth Horseman, The Time Is Now, The Innocents, Exegesis, Teotwawki, Through a Glass, Darkly, Omerta, Borrowed Time, The Sound of Snow, Saturn Dreaming of Mercury, Bardo Thodol, Seven and One, Via Dolorosa, Goodbye To All That]




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